Circulatic Steam Generator
Rapid start up. From cold start to full load in five minutes
Low installation costs. Packaged, compact units require only half of the floor space needed for firetube boilers
Quick response to load changes. Cycle time of less than 30 seconds
Long life & minimum maintenance. Coil design pressure of 1000 psig results in thicker coil walls for longer life
Maximum safety. Steam drum located outside of firing zone
High quality steam. Guaranteed 99%+ dry steam
Minimum on-off cycling. Turndown ratios up to 10 to 1 for handling wide range of loads
Minimum prepurge energy loss. Compact size allows proper prepurge in seconds
Low fuel requirements. Air preheating and combustion zone for complete combustion
Easy installation. Skid mounted assembly including control panel
Simplified fuel switching. Only have to turn selector switch, no burner changes required
Minimal soot potential. Separate combustion chamber prevents coating coils with partially burned fuels
Complete line. Eleven sizes to permit proper selection for any application